Professional Individuals

Description: Current employees or retirees of a member organization or other industry professionals (i.e., Land Grant University personnel, government agency employees)

Membership period: Calendar year

Membership approval: All membership applications must be approved by the Virginia Agribusiness Council Board of Directors

Voting rights: None

Benefits:       Representation of your business interests in the development of legislation and regulations
  Always up to date through monthly electronic newsletters (weekly during Session) and meeting of Council members
  Exclusive networking opportunities with policy makers and industry leaders
 Membership Directory access connecting you with others in the industry

Free or discounted tickets to some of VAC's events and educational opportunities 

Dues investment: $200 annually 

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"The beef cattle industry is the major agricultural enterprise in Southwest Virginia.  I work with our local cattlemen's groups to address legislative matters that affect the beef business. 

The Virginia Agribusiness Council has always been very helpful in keeping me and them up to date on the issues as they arise and have been very willing to provide accurate information and advice as we work with our state and national elected representatives.  They are always ahead of the curve and constitute a strong, well respected voice for agriculture in Virginia that I believe is essential for the future success and prosperity of our industry and the Commonwealth."

Phil Blevins
Washington County, VA
Virginia Agribusiness Council
(804) 643-3555;
9323 Midlothian Turnpike, Suite T
 Richmond, Virginia 23235
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